Saturday 5 May 2012

Literacy week 3

This week in literacy we have been learning a lot! We began to read about the Inspiring Australians that feature on our bank notes. As we have been practising to summarise the main idea, we've been reading about these inspiring people as a class and together creating a couple of sentences that describes who the inspiring person is and why they are lucky enough to feature on our money. So far we have learnt about Queen Elizabeth II and AB 'Banjo' Paterson. 

We were also lucky enough to use iPads in our literacy activities this week. We listened to stories on the iPad and completed comprehension questions related to the story.

The teacher groups this week read a little more about how to become an astronaut. We also learnt about what a homograph is. Perhaps you'd like to play a game to learn more about homographs by clicking here.

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