Sunday 13 May 2012

Friday was a busy day!

On Friday we had a super busy, yet fun day.
Mrs. Kowalski's friend Hazel stopped by to help us make soaps for our mums for mothers day.
She brought along some chunks of melting soap for us to melt down into smaller soaps. We began by chopping it up into small pieces so it could be melted quickly in the microwave. Then we added some fragrance and colour to the melted soap. We poured it into silicone moulds and waited for it to set. After play lunch we popped the soaps out and bagged them up in clear bags with some pretty ribbon. We had tonnes of fun and we were so grateful that Hazel was able to give up her time to help us make something special for our mums.
Here is a picture of what each group began with.

For the past couple of weeks we were lucky enough to have some student teachers with us. They helped us out in the class room and were great fun to have around. We said good bye to Miss Milner on Friday and we presented her with a card at the end of the day on Friday.

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