Tuesday 29 May 2012


During sport today, Josh became somewhat of a parrot. When playing the game tails, he collected that many colourful tails that he looked like a parrot.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Mood Board

During week 6 our homework was to bring in something for the mood board. As our theme this year is 'Be Inspired', Mrs. Kowalski set up the mood board for us to bring in pictures, photos, quotes or other things that are inspiring to us. For the year so far it's been rather bare. So we each brought in something that inspired us and during a circle time activity we talked about our inspirations and then pinned them to the wall. Here is a little video showing our collection building.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Just a little note

Congratulations to those members of 5/6Mk that participated in the Interschool cross country today. As yet we hadn't heard how they went, so stay tuned.

Also at the moment we are collecting toiletries for mini-vinnies. We have been asked to bring in things like shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes etc. Perhaps you could have a little look in your bathroom cupboard and if there is something that you have a little extra of, it might be nice to donate it to other people in need.

Saturday 19 May 2012

The weekend

Hi everyone, I've finally managed to get the weekly wrap up for week 4 on our blog! Sorry Josh & Jamie. I figured out that Blogger only lets you upload videos under 100MB, and the past couple of weeks they have been over that. So I found a way to get them on. Hope you enjoy.

Don't forget to be on the look out for your picture, photo, quote, newspaper or magazine article of something that inspires you at the moment. Be careful not to confuse what you LIKE with what INSPIRES you!

I hope you have an amazing weekend and I look forward to seeing you a lot during the week!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Fraction Number Lines

Josh the Italian Chef

During Italian today, Josh was asked to act as an Italian chef and read out some dialogue. He was asked to read a recipe. It was very funny! Have a look for yourselves!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Science Project

Don't forget that your homework about the planet you are going to choose for your in-class science project is due this Thursday!!! Check out the homework tab if you don't remember what to do!!

Also, start to collect items at home that could be used on space crafts. Think of others too. I've begun collecting. Some things you might like to collect are margarine containers, formula tins, little lemon tart tins, toilet tolls, icy pole sticks, string, wool, all different sorts of paper, aluminium foil, cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Week 3 weekly wrap up & Competition

Good evening everyone!
I'm having a lot of trouble uploading the week 3 video. I'm not 100% sure what the deal is & it may just be a problem with the Blogger server. I'll try and give it a go during the week.

As promised, there is a little game I'm playing too.
The code word is bucket.
For those of you who come to me and use the code word in a sentence there'll be a little prize!

Word Tree

We wanted to show you our word tree. Over time we have been adding new words to our tree that we haven't heard before. When we come across a new word, we write it and it's definition on a leaf and stick it to the tree. Our aim is to try and use these new words in our writing in order to add better words to our vocab.


Grade 5's, the week has come! This Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you will be taking your NAPLAN tests. Don't forget that you must be here on those days, it's actually very important that you know this. There's nothing else you need to do except for your best!

Parliament Alive

Grade 6's - don't forget that this Thursday you will being going to Parliament Alive at Bayswater Primary School. Please make sure that your permission form is returned by Thursday

Friday was a busy day!

On Friday we had a super busy, yet fun day.
Mrs. Kowalski's friend Hazel stopped by to help us make soaps for our mums for mothers day.
She brought along some chunks of melting soap for us to melt down into smaller soaps. We began by chopping it up into small pieces so it could be melted quickly in the microwave. Then we added some fragrance and colour to the melted soap. We poured it into silicone moulds and waited for it to set. After play lunch we popped the soaps out and bagged them up in clear bags with some pretty ribbon. We had tonnes of fun and we were so grateful that Hazel was able to give up her time to help us make something special for our mums.
Here is a picture of what each group began with.

For the past couple of weeks we were lucky enough to have some student teachers with us. They helped us out in the class room and were great fun to have around. We said good bye to Miss Milner on Friday and we presented her with a card at the end of the day on Friday.

Monday 7 May 2012

Attention Grade 6's...High School Enrolment forms

To all the grade 6's,
a few of you haven't returned your Eastern Metropolitan Region Application for Enrolment (Year 7) 2013 form to the office. They need to be returned NO LATER than the 18th of May, but Mrs. Ashdowne would love them as early as possible so that she can begin the next step in your high school enrolment.

Mothers Day Craft

For all those of you who haven't brought your gold coin donation in, please bring it this week. The little blue container is on the desk for you to drop your coin in.
We will still attend the mothers day stall run by the parent's & friends on Friday morning, so don't forget to bring your wallets to get a gift for mum :)

Saturday 5 May 2012

Literacy week 3

This week in literacy we have been learning a lot! We began to read about the Inspiring Australians that feature on our bank notes. As we have been practising to summarise the main idea, we've been reading about these inspiring people as a class and together creating a couple of sentences that describes who the inspiring person is and why they are lucky enough to feature on our money. So far we have learnt about Queen Elizabeth II and AB 'Banjo' Paterson. 

We were also lucky enough to use iPads in our literacy activities this week. We listened to stories on the iPad and completed comprehension questions related to the story.

The teacher groups this week read a little more about how to become an astronaut. We also learnt about what a homograph is. Perhaps you'd like to play a game to learn more about homographs by clicking here.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Homework Updated

Be sure to check out the homework page as next week's homework has been updated!!

Getting organised

As many of us are heading off to high school next year, we are focussing really hard on being organised. Some areas we discussed that need the most organisation are
*At home in the morning - making sure we have everything packed for the day
* When we arrive at school and have everything on our desk for the day
* Our homework - we need to get into good routines and learn how to us our diaries correctly.

We created an organisation tip sheet that we are all going to take home to assist us with being organised.
We also discussed that there are NO EXCUSES! We need to be responsible for our own belongings and organisation of our own things.
A lot of us thought we'd find an after school schedule helpful for keeping us motivated.
So we've attached our tips sheet and daily schedule below

After school schedule
Organisation Tips

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Gold coin

Don't forget to bring in your gold coin for our mothers day secret craft.