Saturday 22 September 2012

Last Week Of Term

Wow! What a busy last week of term! We finished off our mini Olympics, completed our space crafts and our reports for our portfolios. We finished off and presented our London Projects to the class. On Wednesday we celebrated Mrs.Kowalski's birthday by having a pirate party because the 19th of September is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.This was also our reward day. We played 'pin the patch on the pirate', had a treasure hunt, played 'captains salute' and ate hot chips for lunch, all while dressed like pirates. See our slide show below for some pictures from the day. On Friday we also finished the term by going to the Knox Basketball Stadium to have a clinic put on by some of the players from the Raiders. We had a wonderful term and Mrs Kowalski really loved teaching us full time for the 2nd half of the term. Enjoy your break everyone!

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