Sunday 10 June 2012


Good morning all!
Hope you're enjoying your long weekend.
Just a couple of notices

*INTERSCHOOL SPORTS - Please make sure that you return your permission form by Tuesday 12th June.

*FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART - This Friday we are having a mass to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. We have all been asked to bring in some non-perishable food (food that won't go off) to provide to those people doing it tougher than us. If everyone brought in something that would be ace!

*GLUESTICKS!!! - We seem to have a shortage of glue! I would have thought that on your book/stationary lists for this year you were asked to purchase a few gluesticks???? If you have any of these gluesticks at home that you haven't brought in to school yet, could you please do so. It's a necessity for your pencil case!! If you don't have any, it would be greatly appreciated if you wouldn't mind asking mum or dad to pick you up 2 or 3 when you next do the grocery shopping?? If you all got 2 or 3, then this would get you through to the end of the year!! I will store the extras at school for us. Thanks guys :)

See you during the week

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