Thursday 28 June 2012

Golden Time reward

At the end of each playtime and lunch time, the class that is lining up the best receives a golden time token. When our chart is full, we are able to trade in the tokens for some reward time. We have chosen to make our reward time tomorrow, Friday 29th June. We are having a shared morning where we can bring in a game or electronics to share with our classmates. This is also a time that Mrs. Kowalski can spend some time with us to thank us for our wonderful work this term.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Pasta Making

As part of our Italian lessons, Signora assisted us to make spinach and ricotta ravioli. It was very messy but lots of fun

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Interschool Sports

Congratulations to all of us for our wonderful participation in inter school sports today. Although we may not have had big wins today, by all reports our sportsman-ship, confidence, resilience and enthusiasm levels were always at our highest. You should all feel very proud of the excellent way you represented St.Joseph's. Well done!

Friday 15 June 2012

Joy Hester

Today we had our own turn at creating some of Joy Hester's work. We didn't have any ink so we used water-colour instead. These are some of the pictures of us painting. Hopefully we'll get the pictures of our paintings up soon.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Sidney Nolan

 We have begun to look at The Angry Penguin Painters.

To learn more about the Angry Penguins read here.

Sidney Nolan was one of the painters in the Angry Penguins group.
He is most famous for his series of paintings depicting Ned Kelly.
We painted our own Kelly painting. What do you think?


Good morning all!
Hope you're enjoying your long weekend.
Just a couple of notices

*INTERSCHOOL SPORTS - Please make sure that you return your permission form by Tuesday 12th June.

*FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART - This Friday we are having a mass to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. We have all been asked to bring in some non-perishable food (food that won't go off) to provide to those people doing it tougher than us. If everyone brought in something that would be ace!

*GLUESTICKS!!! - We seem to have a shortage of glue! I would have thought that on your book/stationary lists for this year you were asked to purchase a few gluesticks???? If you have any of these gluesticks at home that you haven't brought in to school yet, could you please do so. It's a necessity for your pencil case!! If you don't have any, it would be greatly appreciated if you wouldn't mind asking mum or dad to pick you up 2 or 3 when you next do the grocery shopping?? If you all got 2 or 3, then this would get you through to the end of the year!! I will store the extras at school for us. Thanks guys :)

See you during the week

Saturday 9 June 2012

Look what I found

When I was at the library today I came across these books for us. I thought they would be handy especially seeing as though we are talking about these artists at the moment

Friday 8 June 2012


So we've been really busy lately and haven't made any posts. Rest assured we'll have some new things posted over the weekend due to all the photos and filming we did today.
Enjoy the long weekend

properties of shape.

Today we were given a sheet of 2D shapes and asked to group them. A lot of us used sides to help us group our shapes. When we were asked if there was another way we could group them many of us used the size of the angles in the shapes in order to classify them. Those of us that had triangles only, grouped the shapes according to the names of different triangles - isosceles, scalene or equilateral. Here are some of our shape groupings.



Mrs Kowalski also filmed some of us explaining how we grouped our shapes. Have a listen.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Goodbye Jake

Today Jake left 5/6MK & St. Joseph's to move to another school. He was an awesome friend to all of us and he will surely be missed. Good luck Jake!