Friday 30 November 2012

Showcasing our work

This term we had been working through our inquiry topic about the beginnings of Melbourne. We discussed that every good inquiry topic should have an action at the end where we can give back to the community. We chose to share our findings with the other classes in the hope they would learn something new about Melbourne. We split into 4 groups- Batman, Fawkner, Hoddle and the Hoddle grid. As each class came in in small groups, they each heard a small presentation and rotated to the next station. As each student and teacher left the classroom we asked them to record something they learnt. At the end we had a sheet of paper that was filled with comments over 2 meters long!!

Friday 16 November 2012

Monday 12 November 2012

This Thursday is Important

Don't forget to bring your HOMEWORK and have your permission slip for our EXCURSION returned before Thursday!!!!

Thursday 8 November 2012


Yesterday in 5/6MK we studied BOLTSS. BOLTSS is a list of things that every map has to include. They can be a key to reading a map. They're a must need accessory.
  • B stands for Border. This is the perimeter of the map.
  • O stands for Orientation. This is the little compass or the north arrow.
  • L stands for Legend. A legend is a key to the map that tells you what the symbols mean.
  • T stands for Title. This tells you what the map is about.
  • S stands for Scale. This tells us about the measurement of the map in real life.
  • S stands for Source. This tells us where you got the map from.


Friday 2 November 2012

Orienteering champions!!

Today we competed in the regional orienteering championships with the grade 3-6's from our school against 13 other schools. We really enjoyed our day walking or running to check points scattered across cardinia reservoir. we had 4 place getters from our class! Chloe and Charli were paired together and they came 3rd, Nikita ran the course herself and came 3rd also and Joel came 2nd. After that they announced the overall winner and to our surprise...we won!!!

Thursday 1 November 2012

Lighthouse Boys

This evening, some of the grade 6 boys from our class got the chance to present their hard work to their teachers and parents at St. Joseph's College. For many weeks now, the grade 6 boys in our class have worked with 4 year 10 boys from St. Joes. They got together every Monday afternoon and Thursday mornings and in 3 teams worked on either a debate or a short movie. Tonight we watched the debate against St. Thomas Moores. The topic was "Drugs should be allowed in sport". Our boys presented some wonderful arguments and their rebuttals we perfect. They ended up winning the debate too which was awesome. Congratulations to Josh and Rik who were part of this team.

 Damon and Ambrose were part of a movie team. They presented a trailer for a movie about a prison break. Whilst there were no talking parts, their acting added with the intense music looked and sounded wonderful. They should be very proud of their efforts.

 Riley and Lucas were part of a group that created a short movie where they imitated Bear Grylls. They "taught" us how to survive in school. Their mix of sarcastic humour and simple imagery was very entertaining. All the boys should feel very proud of their efforts. Mrs Kowalski & Mrs. Sheehy attended the evening and were extremely proud of the boys too.