Friday 26 October 2012

Fundraising fair

Every year we hold a fundraising fair where we create stalls and the whole school brings in purses full of coins to by lots of yummy treats and play lots of fun games. All the money that we use at the stalls is donated to our foster child, Shantilil. We have been doing the fundraising fair at St.Joseph's for a many years now and this year we raised $1900!!! It was a lot of fun

Friday 19 October 2012


Over the past two weeks we have been participating in our yearly swimming program. At 11.45 every day we walked to the pool or caught the bus if it was raining. We learnt new skills about different swimming strokes and about safety in and around the water.

On the second last day of our swimming we had a pj day. We had to wear pyjamas to swimming and learn about survival techniques whilst wearing our pyjamas. We all thought it was really tough to swim while we were so weighed down by our heavy clothes.

On the last day of swimming we had a fun day. We were able to participate in some awesome activities. We got to go on the water slide, have fun relay races against one another and swim through 'seaweed'. By the end of the two weeks we were exhausted, but we had a great time.

Gangnam Style

It's everywhere at the moment! On Friday afternoon we were so exhausted after a full two weeks of swimming so Mrs Kowalski let us have some "chill" time after we cleaned the classroom up and got our homework organised. Before we knew it, we had our dancing shoes on and we began to all dance along. We had a great time feeling confident to dance in front of one another and have a laugh at the end of two busy weeks.

Thursday 18 October 2012

History of Melbourne

Here is a link to the information we read in the classroom about John Batman and the colonisation of Melbourne.

Click HERE to go to the information

There is also a list of the important names in the founding of Melbourne below.
Important names document

Monday 15 October 2012

The tiny seed

As it was an ace spring day the other day, Mrs Kowalski let us do a fun art activity.
First we needed to paint our paper. We needed to layer up to 3 colours of paint onto an A3 sheet of paper, green onto one half of another piece of paper and up to 2 colours on the other half of the paper.

Whilst we waited for our paper to try, we read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. Mrs Kowalski explained to us that Eric Carle goes through the same process when creating his artwork, except for the fact that he paints on tissue paper. As we didn't have any tissue paper at the time we used regular paper.

After the paintings were dry, we cut out petals from our largest coloured painting. We used the green painting to create the stem and leaves and the smaller coloured part to create the middle of the flower.

Rather than wasting the left over pieces of painted paper, we used them to create a border around our flower. Here are some of our paintings

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Welcome Back

Welcome back to term 4!! Can you believe that it's the last term of the year?!?!
A reminder to have your swimming gear with you everyday for the first 2 weeks of the term.

Please remember to bring your portfolios back to school this week also. I'm sure your families loved having a look at the hard work you had been doing in term 3!