Friday 27 July 2012

Taking shape

Our Olympics display is taking shape with some of the work we have done so far. Have a look...

5/6MK torch relay

In honour of the Opening Ceremony beginning in the morning, we created our own Olympic torches and held a relay in the corridor.

Gym Class Heroes

This morning we watched the film clip for the song 'Gym Class Heroes' by The Fighter. We listened to the song and then analysed the lyrics. We found the song to be very inspirational. The message we got from the song was to do our best and never give up. Even when we think things are too tough, we need to keep going until the end and we'll be more amazed at our efforts than anything else. We also discussed how we can be an inspiration to others just like the guy in the film clip was to the little kids watching him train hard. Listen to the song for your self, see what message it gives you.

Mrs Kowalski also filmed us singing along to the song which we thought was quite funny

Thursday 26 July 2012

What does a square metre look like?

The school is making a long jump pit for our mini olympics at the end of the term. We have been asked to come up with the measurements for the pit and to help us visualise a square metre, we used newspapers and sticky tape to create a square metre. In the coming week we will use them to visualise what a cubic metre looks like.

Olympic Symbols

As Mrs.Kowalski always says, 'work smarter, not harder', we split into groups and each researched an Olympic Symbol. By the end of the session we had to have created an information sheet to be given out to everyone that explains the origins of our chosen symbol. At the end we had to present our information. This way we were all able to learn about the symbols without having to spend tonnes of time researching all of them by ourselves. Here are our presentations.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Some reminders...

Just some things to remember
1...Your gluesticks
2... to begin collecting boxes and other items for your space craft. Keep these at home until we need them.
3...Continue collecting articles about the Olympics for your Olympics diary

Friday 20 July 2012

A visit from Mrs Kowalski's dad

For our science unit we have been exploring space. We have been asked to design a space craft to land on a planet of our choice. In order to do this we have to create a plan before we make our craft. Mrs Kowalski's dad, Andrew came in this morning to show us how to draw our space craft in perspective. We went outside to have a look at an example of a 2 point perspective such as the corner of a building. Then in the corridor outside our classroom we were able to see an example of a 1 point perspective. Andrew showed us a drawing he had done himself to further explain what he meant. We then spent the morning having a go at drawing our space crafts in perspective. We are one step close to making them. Many thanks to Andrew for visiting us, we learnt a lot!

Thursday 19 July 2012


Today we went back in time to learn about the Story of the Olympics. Check out the powerpoint we viewed this morning.

Olympic sized measuring

Today we spent some time measuring out distances that we would see being used in the upcoming Olympics. For example 50m like in the swimming and 100m in the sprints. With all of us starting at the same point, Mrs.Kowalski asked us to walk to where we thought 50 metres would be. She then used the trundle wheel to tell us how far we had each walked and we had to record this figure and work out the difference between the actual and our estimate. We spent an hour trying this with different measurements. To our surprise, all of our estimates got better as we went along. We were also amazed to see how far 100m actually was and just how fast Usain Bolt must actually go! In the coming weeks we will run 100m and time ourselves to compare with Usain.

Friday 6 July 2012

Getting ready for the Olympics

With only 3 weeks until the Olympics I'm getting very excited! I've found lots of awesome activities for us to do. I've also put up a couple of displays that we will add heaps to during the term. I hope you're enjoying your holidays! AND remembering to collect as much information as possible about the Olympics for your HOMEWORK!!