Friday 27 April 2012

Pay it forward

Yesterday was Pay It Forward Day. As it was our turn to present the prayer at assembly this week, we decided to focus on Pay it Forward Day.
Here is a little clip from the movie Pay it Forward, that explains what the concept of Pay it Forward means...

Here is our prayer at assembly about Pay It Forward Day

Monday 23 April 2012

Wet Day Program Fun

The Spirit of the ANZACS

This week we will be discussing ANZAC day. We began today by watching this video about the ANZAC Spirit. We've also begun creating reports about the ANZACS. Keep tuning in to see our published pieces.

Visit from federal member Alan Tudge

This morning we were visited by our local member Alan Tudge. He is the federal member for Aston. We have been learning about the different levels of parliament and the roles and responsibilities of the different levels. He chatted to us for roughly half an hour. As we have been learning, Alan described the different electorates like a map that is divided into pieces and each area has a representative that can take suggestions to parliament to make our country a better place.

He chatted about how his role involves him chatting with locals about issues on a federal level and visiting schools to give an insight into the work of politicians at all levels. When he isn't working in the local area, Alan goes to Canberra for roughly 18 weeks in the year and is part of the liberal party.

He chose to be a politician because he's always had a strong sense of service and felt the need to help others. At the moment he is feeling inspired to form a place called Head Space perhaps located at Knox Ozone. It's hoped that this place will be a space where young people can go for guidance or to find a friend. Alan is also advocating for a rail link to Rowville.

It was interesting to learn that our electorate is named Aston after Matilda Aston. She was a lady who was blind at the age of 7 and spent her life helping other blind people. She fought for resources for the blind, built the first braille library and enabled blind people to be able to vote. She founded the organisation we know today as Vision Australia.

We learnt a lot from Alan and we were privileged to have him visit our school. Thanks Alan

Thursday 19 April 2012

Say Cheese

Welcome to 5/6MK! Here is our welcoming photo.
We also decided to do a silly photo too.